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Welcome to PINSETTER
Internet scoring for your bowling league.


Create New League

* denotes required fields

At this time, we are only able support leagues with 4 point scoring based on team totals. (1 point for each out of three games won and 1 point for total pins). If your league uses a different scoring format, you can still use Pinsetter for scoring many individual and team statistics, but you will not be able to generate accurate team standings.

1. League Password
*Password: A password is required for editing league scores and rosters. You should not give out your password to others if you want to prevent them from changing league data.
*Verify Password: Verify the password you enterred to make sure there aren't any typos.
Password Email: If you ever forget your password, it will only be sent to this address, so you should try to keep this address current. You can leave this field blank, but by doing so you risk losing access to your league data if you forget the password (REALLY!).
2. League Information
*League Name: Enter the name of your league.
Example: Pinsetters Monday Night Mixed
Bowling Center: Enter the name of the bowling center where your league bowls.
Example: Acme Lanes
Location: Enter the city and state of the bowling center location.
Example: Philadelphia, PA
League Secretary: Put your name in here (assuming you are the league secretary...heck, you will be enterring the scores, right?). If provided, the league secretary's name is printed on the weekly summary sheet and is displayed when viewing league scores...may as well get credit for doing your league a service.
League President: Put the name of the league president here. If provided, the league president's name is printed on the weekly summary sheet and is displayed when viewing league scores.
League Contact: Enter contact information where league members can reach you. This can be anything you want - a phone#, an email address, etc. If provided, the league contact information is included on the weekly summary sheet and is displayed when viewing league scores.
*Day of Week: Enter the day of week the league meets.
Time of Day: Enter (as free text) the time of day the league meets.
Examples: 6:30 pm, 11am, noon
3. League Parameters
*Start Date: Enter the date the league begins (Week#1).
* #Teams: Enter the number of teams your league can hold. If you aren't sure how many teams your league will have, enter the number of lanes you will use.
* #Segments: Enter the number of segments in your league. For example, if your league schedules 2 Halfs, enter '2'. If your league schedules 4 Quarters, enter '4', etc.
* #Divisions: Enter the number of divisions in your league. Teams will initially be spread accross divisions as evenly as possible. (You can edit a team's division later.)
* %Hcp: Enter the league's handicap percentage. For example, if your league handicaps 80% from 200, you would enter 80 here. For scratch leagues, enter 0.
*Hcp Base: Enter the league's handicap base. For example, if your league handicaps 80% from 200, you would enter 200 here. For scratch leagues, enter 0.
*Use Negative Hcp?: Leave this box checked if your league uses a negative handicap for bowlers with averages above the handicap base.
Start Lane Enter the number of the first lane where your league meets. (Enter a '1' if you aren't sure.)

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